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Auckland CouncilVote Auckland

Teaching and learning resources

Download our teaching and learning resources on the role of local government and elections.

​Learn about what Auckland Council does and what local elections and democracy mean for the diverse communities of Tāmaki Makaurau. Our learning resources and activities are grouped into four modules, each with downloadable lessons and online resources.

Module 1: Introduction to Auckland Council

Get an overview of Auckland Council, understand what makes our structure unique, learn the difference between central and local government and how we ensure elected members know how their communities feel.

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​Module 2: Co-governance and our relationship with Māori

Find out how Māori are represented at Auckland Council, see examples of co-governance in action, learn about Houkura (Independent Māori Statutory Board) and the Tāmaki Makaurau Mana Whenua Forum.

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​Download web content

​Module 3: Active participation

Active participation in elections is all about being directly involved in the democratic process, whether it's by voting, attending and speaking at public meetings, making submissions and more.

Download teacher and student resources

​Download web content

​Module 4: Elections and representation

The election process explained, including the difference between local and general elections and how the process works. This module also examines why you should vote and how representation works.

Download teacher and student resources

​Download web content

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