Mana Whakahaere Ohorere oTāmaki Makaurau
Auckland Emergency Management
What Auckland Emergency Management does
Auckland Emergency Management comprises of Auckland Council working in partnership with emergency services and other organisations to ensure the effective delivery of civil defence emergency management.
Auckland Emergency Management:
- coordinates and plans activities related to hazard and emergency management
- encourages cooperation and joint action within the region
- determines the aspirations of our community
- examines the risks and hazards to the Auckland region and prioritises each hazard.
Role of Auckland Emergency Management
Auckland Emergency Management's role is to provide a coordinated and integrated approach to the way significant risks and hazards are managed in the Auckland region across the four 'R's:
- reduction
- readiness
- response
- recovery.
Auckland Emergency Management website
To sign up for emergency alerts and information about Auckland's hazards, go to the
Auckland Emergency Management website.
Tsunami evacuation maps
Find tsunami hazard areas on the
Auckland Emergency Management website.
Related topics
How to report geological hazards | | | How to report geological hazards | What to do and who to contact if a landslide or other geological hazard is found. | | | | aspx | | | | | | | | | Environment consultation | |
How to report coastal hazards | | | How to report coastal hazards | What to do and who to contact if a severe beach erosion, cliff instability or other coastal hazard is found. | | | | aspx | | | | | | | | | Environment consultation | |
Earthquake-prone buildings | | | Earthquake-prone buildings | Find out how we identify and manage potentially earthquake-prone buildings. | | | | aspx | | | | | | | | | | |
Natural hazards | | | Natural hazards | Find out what natural hazards are and how they affect you and your property. | | | | aspx | | | | | | | | | Resource consents | |
Recovery from extreme weather and natural disasters | | | Recovery from extreme weather and natural disasters | Find out more about the repair and regeneration of Auckland after natural disasters and extreme weather events. | | | | aspx | | | | | | | | | Civil defence
Environment consultation
Disaster and emergency recovery | |
Get ready for a disaster | | | Get ready for a disaster | Learn to recognise and manage hazards and risks to prepare your property for a natural disaster. Find out if your property is in a flood zone, how to prepare for a flooding emergency and how to help prevent landslips. | | | | aspx | | | | | | | | | Civil defence
Disaster and emergency recovery | |
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