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Te haere ki tētahi wānanga Tauāki Kaupapa-ā-Motu mō te Whakawhanake Tāone

Attending a National Policy Statement on Urban Development (NPS-UD) hearing

Hearing dates and times

The hearing process will begin in February 2023 and will finish in October or November 2023.

The hearings advisor will send you an email or letter with the time and date of your hearing. You will be given at least 10 working days' notice.

Scheduled speaking times within a hearing may change with short notice. If this happens, you will be contacted as soon as possible by the hearings advisor.

If your submission is on multiple topics in the plan change, you will be invited to attend multiple hearings. You can choose to attend one, some or none of these.

Hearing decision dates

Once the hearings are complete, the Independent Hearings Panel will prepare its Intensification Planning Instrument (IPI) recommendations. This will be provided to the Auckland Council so it can make a decision on the proposed change by 31 March 2024.

The panel will also provide its decisions on the non-IPI plan changes at that time.

Hearing locations

Most hearings will be in the Auckland Town Hall, 301 Queen St in central Auckland.

It is possible a hearing may be held in another location, so check the details on your hearing notice to confirm the location.

Online attendance

A Microsoft Teams link will be provided on the hearings page for people unable to attend in person.

Let the hearings advisor know before the hearing if you want to present online.

Everyone is welcome to watch.

Important reading before your hearing

Read the relevant evidence before your hearing.

If mediation or expert conferencing has occurred, we also recommend reading the Parties and Issues report on the relevant hearings website page.

The Independent Hearings Panel prepares a Parties and Issues report containing a summary and whether each topic would benefit from expert witness conferencing, formal mediation, or whether the topic should proceed straight to a hearing.

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