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National Policy Statement on Urban Development (NPS-UD) hearings process

What to expect at a hearing

These hearings allow you to present your views on the National Policy Statement on Urban Development (NPS-UD) as it affects Auckland.

They are run by an Independent Hearings Panel. At least two panel members will be at each hearing.

If you are a submitter, you will be contacted about relevant mediation and hearing sessions. If you do not speak at the hearing, your submission will still be considered by the panel.

Hearing sessions are open to the public and the media. Session recordings will also be available after the hearing.

At your hearing

The panel will read submissions and evidence before the hearing.

All hearings will follow the same meeting running order:

  • the meeting chairperson opens the hearing, introduces the panel and explains what will happen
  • Auckland Council will share its evidence
  • submitters share their submissions and evidence
  • Auckland Council provides a response
  • the chairperson will close the hearing.

The chairperson will call you forward when it is your turn to speak. Refer to them as Mr Chair or Madam Chair.

The panel might ask you questions to help understand what you have presented.


Cross-examination allows other submitters to ask questions of a witness. It also allows other people in the hearing to clarify the information shared.

It is only allowed on hearings related to Plan Change 78 and where:

  • the witness is an expert
  • it helps the panel to better understand an issue
  • conflicting evidence needs to be put to the witness.

You can request to cross-examine someone else if your intention is announced in advance.

You will need to say:

  • who you want to cross-examine
  • what evidence you want to question
  • how long it might take.

You can do this by sending a Notice of Cross-Examination at least three working days before the hearing starts.

The panel will make all Notices of Cross-Examination available on the Find a hearings page.

After the hearings

The Independent Hearings Panel will share recommendations on Plan Change 78 with Auckland Council after the hearings.

If Auckland Council chooses to accept the recommendations, the Unitary Plan will be changed.

If the recommendations are rejected, the final decision will be made by the Minister for the Environment.

The panel will also make a decision about plan changes 79, 80, 81, 82 and 83. The normal appeal process applies.

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