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Whakarite mō te wānanga

Prepare for a hearing

The National Policy Statement on Urban Development (NPS-UD) hearings allow you to present your views on issues such as housing intensification.

Hearing evidence

If you feel your submission makes your views clear, you do not need to supply evidence. However, if you choose to, both expert and non-expert evidence is allowed.

This should provide additional information to support your submission or provide details about a change you would like to see made to the proposed plan change.

You need to:

  • provide a summary statement of your main points that is no more than three pages
  • focus on what you do not agree with and the reasons why
  • share what you agree with in an appendix.

Timeframe for providing evidence

Evidence must generally be submitted to the panel at least:

  • 25 working days before the hearing for the Auckland Council
  • 15 working days before the hearing for all other submitters
  • 5 working days before the hearing if you are preparing rebuttal evidence.

Check your hearing notification for your specific timeframe.

Late evidence

If you do not provide your evidence on time, the Independent Hearing Panel will decide if you can present it.

If it is allowed, and electronic evidence has not been provided in advance, bring at least 10 copies to give to the hearings advisor.

Evidence format

Evidence should be easy to read and supplied in a digital PDF or Microsoft Word document format. It should also have numbered paragraphs, with numbered or lettered sub-paragraphs.

All documents need to include headers with the:

  • date
  • name of the submitter
  • submission number
  • hearing topic name
  • hearing number
  • label 'primary' or 'rebuttal' evidence
  • name of the person/expert (if applicable).

Evidence should be to the point and clearly state the issues of concern and the changes you would like.

Types of Evidence

Expert evidence

Expert evidence comes from an independent person who has qualifications and experience in a particular area.

This includes planners, architects, engineers, scientists or urban designers. Kaumātua and kuia are also considered experts in this hearing process.

Preparing expert evidence

Expert evidence should include:

  • changes you want to the plan, shown using strike-through for deletions and underlining additions. Do not use tracked changes in Microsoft Word.
  • the relevant plan drawing (as notified) and the version you want to substitute
  • other material in appendices
  • numbered, titled and cross-referenced tables, figures and diagrams referencing the related text.

Email to request the proposed plan change.

Non-expert evidence

Non-expert or 'lay' evidence comes from someone who is not an expert. This is allowed at the hearings.

Speaking at a hearing

If you want to speak at a hearing, you need to let the hearings advisor know in advance. Instructions for this are included in your notification letter.

Speak to the main points, along with your supporting evidence.

You can speak for 10 minutes. More time can be requested but is not guaranteed.

The Independent Hearings Panel will read all evidence and submissions in advance as there not enough time to read these aloud on the day.

Get a copy of the hearing procedure document

Read the hearing procedure document to learn more about preparing for a hearing.

Contact the panel

If you have questions or need assistance, email to contact the panel.

Emails should be brief and to the point, including your questions or main points.

Include the following information, as applicable:

  • name
  • phone number
  • hearing topic and number
  • a brief summary of the existing situation
  • a brief summary of the changes requested
  • informal mediation outcomes.

The panel will contact you if they need more information.

Friend of the Submitter service unavailable

The Friend of the Submitter service (an independent advisor to offer advice) is not currently available for Plan Change 78: Intensification.

Email if you have any questions about Plan Change 78.

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