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How we prioritise sports field applications

​How we allocate priority

We have a priority application and allocation system. This helps us decide which applications to process first, or who should have first use of our sports fields.

There are two seasons per year - summer and winter.

We do not usually accept applications outside the upcoming season.

Our priorities:

Priority one: Projects, renovations and events

  • Upgrading, renovating, repairing and setting up our sports fields.
  • International events and tournaments.
  • National events and tournaments.
  • Regional events and tournaments of significance to Auckland like Christmas in the Park, local board funded events, and Music and Movies in Parks.

Priority two: Seasonal competition and training

  • Regional sporting organisations and affiliated clubs for seasonal competition tournaments and finals.
  • Community sports clubs.
  • Seasonal training and competition games.
  • Tournaments.
  • Development, sports academies and elite programmes for players.
  • Pre-season games (where possible).

Priority three: Community tournaments, schools, and churches

  • School and church competition games.
  • Community, school, and church events and tournaments.

Priority four: Casual users

Casual bookings open after we have allocated and resolved all seasonal bookings.

  • Casual community booking.
  • International tournaments training.
  • Corporate, commercial and private users.

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