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Ture ā-Rohe mo ngā Tohu 2022

Signs Bylaw 2022

This bylaw provides for signs that protect people and environment. It includes rules for permanent and temporary signs on private and public property, including sign location, number, size, content and illumination.

What the Signs Bylaw does

This bylaw explains how signs can be used around Auckland.

It contains rules about signs on both private and public land, referring to their:

  • type
  • location
  • number
  • size.

This bylaw contains:

  • specific rules about free-standing, verandah, wall-mounted, window, portable, stencil, poster, banner, real estate, event, election and vehicle signs
  • special rules for signs in major recreational facility zones and open space zones, in addition to signs about commercial sexual services
  • general rules that apply to all signs about:
    • illumination
    • changeable messages
    • public safety
    • nuisance
    • movement of traffic and vessels.

What the Signs Bylaw does not do

This bylaw does not manage:

  • signs not visible from a council-controlled public place, motorway or state highway (for example, signs on a shop only visible within a privately-owned shopping centre)
  • signs on or over a motorway or state highway
  • billboards regulated in the Auckland Unitary Plan
  • certain instructional, regulatory, public wayfinding and educational signs (for example, information signs required by statute or for public safety or security)
  • traffic control devices.

Get a copy of the Signs Bylaw and controls

Get a copy of the former sign bylaws

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