Walking time 10 mins
Walking steps 910 steps
Cycling time 5 mins
Distance 700 m
Luckens Reserve Path - Path starts at the car park along Luckens Road.
Luckens Reserve Path - Path start point.
Luckens Reserve Path - Start of the path.
Luckens Reserve Path - There are quiet spots for a picnic in Luckens Reserve.
Luckens Reserve Path - Dog exercise area.
Luckens Reserve Path - Places to sit along the way.
Luckens Reserve Path - See if you can find this sculpture in the middle of the park - can you work out what it is?
Luckens Reserve Path - Basketball court and skate park.
Luckens Reserve Path - Kid’s playground and seating area.
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Starts at 102 Marina View Drive, West Harbour, Auckland
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A short, easy walk around Luckens Reserve in West Harbour. The sealed path is ideal for dog walking, pram walks, and kids learning to ride bikes.
Enjoy a picnic and views out to the harbour from Luckens Reserve.
Burn off some energy at the basketball court, skate park or children's playground.
There is a great off-leash dog exercise area in the reserve - dogs must be on-leash near the children's playground while in use and are prohibited from the playground area.
Join up with the Luckens Coastal Path or Clearwater Cove Path to the marina.
There is parking at Luckens Reserve, and plenty on the suburban streets.
Walking 10 mins
Cycling 5 mins
Walking 15 mins
Distance 900 m
Distance 800 m
West Harbour
Enjoy this lovely scenic reserve with a playground, basketball half-court, skate park, picnic tables, barbecue, seating and a drinking fountain.
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