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Shakespear Heritage Trail

Walking time 60 mins

Walking steps 5070 steps

Distance 3.9 km

Starts at 18 Double Bay Place, Army Bay, Whangaparāoa

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About the path

A fascinating walk in Shakespear Regional Park that takes in WWII heritage, native forest, farmland, a wetland, and spectacular views over Auckland.

This is the most achievable of the various Shakespear Regional Park walks, and has plenty of sights to keep the kids interested. Allow two hours for the full experience.

Begin at scenic Okoromai Bay and follow the yellow markers. The track is a combination of gravel tracks, grass and boardwalks.

The track runs alongside the predator proof fence, designed to keep pests out of the 500 ha open sanctuary (Shakespear Regional Park is a pest-free haven for native species).

You'll pass huge Puriri trees and the regenerating forest of Waterfall Gully. As well as the scenic waterfall, Waterfall Gully is home to swooping tūī, native pigeons (kererū), bellbird (korimako) and glow worms (titiwai).

Walk through paddocks with free roaming sheep - kids will love the farm experience.

View the remains of defence structures constructed by the army during World War II including a gun emplacement and pillboxes.

Enjoy 360-degree views at the lookout point. In one direction take in the Auckland cityscape and in another an idyllic panorama of the Hauraki Gulf and outlying islands. You can also see to Wenderholm and Mahurangi regional parks.

The track ends back at Okoromai Bay - a lovely spot for a picnic and swim (during high tide). Public toilets are available here.

The park is a 40 minute drive from central Auckland. Buses to the park entrance run from downtown Auckland.

No dogs are allowed at Shakespear Regional Park. Please take your rubbish home - there are no bins at the park.


  • Drinking fountain
  • Public toilet

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