Walking time 30 mins
Walking steps 2080 steps
Distance 1.6 km
Pukekawa Centennial Glade Path - Path start in lower Domain.
Pukekawa Centennial Glade Path - Louise Purvis, Promise Boat, 2005, Edmiston Trust Collection.
Pukekawa Centennial Glade Path - Cherry Grove.
Pukekawa Centennial Glade Path - Path from Cherry Grove and Kari Commons back to Centennial Path.
Pukekawa Centennial Glade Path - Walk between an amphitheatre of pōhutukawa.
Pukekawa Centennial Glade Path - Chiara Corbelletto, Numbers are the Language of Nature 2005, Edmiston Trust Collection.
Pukekawa Centennial Glade Path- Charlotte Fisher, Arc (2004) Edmiston Trust Collection.
Pukekawa Centennial Glade Path - Follow the path down Lovers Lane.
Pukekawa Centennial Glade Path - Path down Lovers Lane.
Pukekawa Centennial Glade Path - Entrance onto Glade Path from Lovers Lane.
Pukekawa Centennial Glade Path - Typical section of Glade Path.
Pukekawa Centennial Glade Path- Glade Path access from Domain Drive.
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Starts at 93 Stanley Street, Auckland Central
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A peaceful stroll along the northern slopes of Pukekawa / Auckland Domain, through lush native bush and sculpture gardens.
The scenic loop path is easy to navigate, with paved and gravel paths on gentle slopes. The Centennial Glade Path makes a great family walk, so bring along the pram.
Start in the lower Domain and follow the Centennial Walkway. As well as grand pōhutukawa trees, you'll see some fantastic outdoor art sculptures including:
If you're interested, take the short diversion down Cherry Grove to the Kari Street Commons, where you can discover an oriental garden.
Turn onto Domain Drive for a short distance, then turn left onto Lovers Lane. Meander down Lovers Lane, then turn into Glade Path. Follow the peaceful bush path back to the starting point.
Walking 60 mins
Distance 3.6 km
Walking 20 mins
Distance 1.7 km
Walking 30 mins
Distance 1.8 km
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