Walking time 20 mins
Walking steps 1950 steps
Distance 1.5 km
Sister Rene Shadbolt Path - Sports field in the background. Photo: Ilai Manu.
Sister Rene Shadbolt Path - Playground at Portage Road entrance.
Sister Rene Shadbolt Path - Walk bridge heading toward gravel path behind sports field. Photo: Ilai Manu.
Sister Rene Shadbolt Path - Gravel path bush walk. Photo: Ilai Manu.
Sister Rene Shadbolt Path - Car park at Rugby clubrooms, Portage Road entrance. Photo: Ilai Manu.
Sister Rene Shadbolt Path - Large skate park. Photo: Ilai Manu.
Sister Rene Shadbolt Path - View over sports fields. Photo: Ilai Manu.
Sister Rene Shadbolt Path - Public toilet block.
Sister Rene Shadbolt Path - Path alongside Portage Road. Photo: Ilai Manu.
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Starts at 200 Portage Road, New Lynn, Auckland
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This is a short walk to get a bit of a sweat up, while being relatively flat. The path around Tiakina / Sister Rene Shadbolt Park takes about 20-25 minutes to walk and includes a gravel section through regenerating bush.
After or before your walk there is a half court basketball court and large skate park you can enjoy with the kids. If there isn't rugby being played you can have a kick around on the fields or watch the local club training.
There is heaps of parking off Portage Road and modern public toilets. There is also an entry level playground with swings and a climbing frame for the younger kids.
Walking 15 mins
Distance 1.3 km
Walking 20 mins
Cycling 10 mins
Distance 1.4 km
Walking 40 mins
Cycling 20 mins
Distance 2.5 km
New Lynn
Large sports park with accessible toilets and car parking, playground, basketball half-court and a skate park.
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