Walking time 80 mins
Walking steps 9360 steps
Cycling time 40 mins
Distance 7.2 km
Tāmaki Path - Path start from Panmure Wharf.
Tāmaki Path - Wide sealed path running alongside the Tāmaki River.
Tāmaki Path - Dunkirk Reserve sports fields.
Tāmaki Path - Flat sealed section of the path parallel to Dunkirk Road.
Tāmaki Path - Great views of the Tāmaki Path.
Tāmaki Path - Path crossing across Pt England Road.
Tāmaki Path - Pt England Beach.
Tāmaki Path - Kid’s playground at Pt England Reserve.
Tāmaki Path - Estuary side picnic spots in Pt England Reserve.
Tāmaki Path - Path alongside Pt England Beach.
Tāmaki Path - Elevated views over Wai-O-Taiki Bay.
Tāmaki Path - View back over Tāmaki estuary and Pt England beach.
Tāmaki Path - Mt Wellington War Memorial playground flying fox.
Tāmaki Path - Mt Wellington War Memorial playground.
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Starts at 27 Armein Road, Panmure
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A shared path along the edge of the Tāmaki River.
Start from either Dunkirk Reserve in the south or Wai-O-Taiki Nature Reserve in the north (there is ample parking at the end of Point England Road). The path is paved and relatively flat - ideal for people of all ages and abilities.
Starting from Dunkirk Reserve, check out the playground set among a small plantation of trees and shrubs.
Head north along the path along the water's edge, stopping to admire the coastal views and views to Maungarei/Mt Wellington.
You will see a glimpse of farm life at Point England Reserve, with grazing cattle and horses. Dotterels nest in the paddocks, so keep dogs away.
The path crosses the Omaru Creek and has great views towards Bucklands Beach.
There are some barbecues available.
Cycling 3 mins
Distance 380 m
Walking 80 mins
Cycling 30 mins
Distance 6.6 km
Cycling 90 mins
Distance 14 km
Local reserve along the Tāmaki Estuary/River.
Point England
Large coastal reserve with a playground, car park (including mobility parking), toilets and changing rooms, barbecues, sports fields, basketball court, cricket pitch, and picnic tables and seating, and drinking fountains.
Wai O Taiki Bay
Local nature reserve with a playground and basketball half court.
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