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Kitekite Falls Track

Walking time 60 mins

Walking steps 3575 steps

Distance 2.75 km

Starts at 105 Glen Esk Road, Piha

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About the path

This walk is a must-do when you are in Piha. It's an easy, gradual climb with lots to see on the way. There are some tricky stream crossings, so be careful as you make your way across.

The Kitekite Falls Track has been upgraded so walkers can enjoy the best of the Waitākere Ranges without harming the kauri trees that are under threat from the kauri dieback disease.

The route has formed gravel tracks and boardwalks throughout and the gradual climb to the famous Kitekite Falls is manageable for people with moderate fitness.

Near the falls there are two stream crossings that take some agility and good balance. Bring a walking stick if you’re not sure about this.

This track takes you up into beautiful forest area, with a spectacular waterfall as a reward for your efforts.

Please respect the efforts to make this area available to all – follow the instructions at the start of the track, stay on the tracks and boardwalks and do not try to cross the stream after heavy rain. This valley is known for occasional flooding but it never lasts long – just wait until the water level lowers again and it is safe to cross, or return the way you came.

Mobile reception along the route is not always reliable. Take a photo of the map at the start to remind you of the route.


  • Public toilet

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