Walking time 60 mins
Walking steps 4290 steps
Distance 3.3 km
Three Beaches Path - The path starts at the lookout platform on the Oneroa main street.
Three Beaches Path - The path leads eastwards, turn right into Tui Street at the Red Cross building.
Three Beaches Path - Walk down Tui Street on the left hand side where there is a footpath, all the way down to the beach.
Three Beaches Path - Blackpool Beach is a beautiful, quiet, tidal bay.
Three Beaches Path - Carefully cross the creek and walk past the urupā (Māori cemetery) along the foreshore.
Three Beaches Path - Halfway along the beach are some simple swings with great views. The path continues on to Kiwi Street.
Three Beaches Path - To reach Little Oneroa Beach with its toilets and playground, at the top of Kiwi Street cross the main road and turn right.
Three Beaches Path - At low tide you can head to Oneroa Beach on the foreshore around the rocks, a beautiful, varied walk.
Three Beaches Path - Oneroa Beach is popular with day trippers, dog walkers and boaties.
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Starts at 147 Ocean View Road, Oneroa
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You’ll see views out over the Hauraki Gulf and Tamaki Strait; a Marae and a Māori cemetery, and three different beaches.
An easy walk, mostly on roads. Can be done on a bike or with a buggy, but it involves a few climbs.
This is a nice route through the quiet part of Oneroa, to Blackpool Beach with its urupā (cemetery), swings and a large tidal beach featuring good bird watching.
The route takes you near Piritahi Marae (visit by appointment) and the local pony club grounds and past many charming classic baches and holiday homes. Back on the northern side of the island you can take in Little Oneroa Beach with its large playground, shop and café, before returning via Oneroa’s main beach.
The route shown takes you along the top of the cliffs between Little Oneroa and main Oneroa beaches. At low tide you can take the beach route between the two beaches instead – take care, part of this route is quite rocky.
Walking 10 mins
Distance 730 m
Walking 40 mins
Cycling 20 mins
Distance 1.6 km
Walking 60 mins
Distance 3 km
Beach area with a set of two swings, seating and a picnic table.
Popular reserve and swimming beach with a playground, toilets and changing rooms, parking, picnic tables and seating, barbecue and drinking fountains.
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