Whakahōutia anō ngā papa pātū o tō kāinga
Re-clad your home
The exterior cladding or envelope is a protective layer of materials that separates a building's structure and interior from exterior elements.
Check if you need a consent to re-clad your home
To re-clad means to replace any part of the exterior envelope because your property has weather-tightness issues or for cosmetic purposes.
You will need to apply for a building consent to carry out re-cladding work, even if the new cladding is the same as the one being removed. Your building consent application will list quite a few inspections.
You won't need to apply for resource consent to carry out re-cladding work, unless your property is in a special character area.
When applying for a building consent regarding re-cladding, you will also need to complete the AC2329 form.
What needs to happen before the works start
You will need to have an onsite pre-construction meeting to discuss the programme of work. The following people must attend:
- project manager
- builder
- owner/agent
- relevant consultants that you have engaged
- our building control inspection officer involved with the inspections.
Our tip
You need to book this meeting at least three working days in advance.
The same group of people would also need to be present at the strip-off inspection.
Types of inspections you will need
The Re-clad Specialist team carries out the inspections in the exact order for you to receive your
Code Compliance Certificate (CCC):
- Pre-construction site meeting (before the work starts)
- Strip-off inspection (after you have removed the original cladding and building wraps, but before removing any damaged framing)
- Remedial works inspection (after you have repaired all affected elements on the building and before they are covered over)
- Pre-wrap, nib, wall/cavity, substrate, insulation, fire-rating and painting inspections
- Cladding inspection
- Painting check before scaffolding is removed
- Final inspection
Our tip
You need to book the re-cladding inspection at a separate time from the standard inspections.
Related topics
Apply for a building consent | | https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/building-and-consents/building-consents/Pages/apply-for-building-consent.aspx | Apply for a building consent | Find out how to apply for a building consent and view the relevant fees. | | | | aspx | | | | | | | | | Building consents | |
Building consent fees and charges | | https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/building-and-consents/building-consents/Pages/building-control-fees.aspx | Building consent fees and charges | View fees and charges when applying for a building consent. | | | | aspx | | | | | | | | | Building consents | |
Building inspections | | https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/building-and-consents/inspections-building-renovation-work/Pages/building-inspections.aspx | Building inspections | Find out who carries out inspections, who should be present at the inspections and when to book. | | | | aspx | | | | | | | | | Inspections | |
Apply for a minor variation to your building consent | | https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/building-and-consents/building-consents/making-change-building-consent/Pages/apply-minor-variation-building-consent.aspx | Apply for a minor variation to your building consent | If you are making changes to a building consent, find out if you need to submit a minor variation. | | | | aspx | | | | | | | | | Building consents | |
Altering an existing building | | https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/building-and-consents/building-renovation-projects/make-changes-existing-building/Pages/altering-existing-building.aspx | Altering an existing building | What to do if you intend to alter your existing building. | | | | aspx | | | | | | | | | Building consents | |
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