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Ngā nawe me ngā tūtohu mō ngā whakaaetanga hanganga

Building and consent compliance and complaints

Building and consent compliance issues are not always our responsibility. They may be the responsibility of the police, another government agency, or they may be a civil matter, e.g. an issue between neighbours to be decided either legally, or through mediation.

How we ensure compliance

We monitor building sites to make sure they comply with legislation, planning rules and consent conditions.

Depending on the level of non-compliance, there is a range of enforcement options we can take, from education (where there is non-compliance due to ignorance), to formal enforcement such as abatement notices and prosecution.

Formal enforcement is not taken lightly. It is based on thorough investigation and takes into account the impact, and what the person responsible has done to fix the situation.

What to do if you are not satisfied with a decision on a consent

If you are unhappy with a decision on a consent or a problem has not been resolved, you can make a formal complaint.

You can also appeal a building consent decision or apply for a determination.

How to complain about other matters

Boundary disputes

To determine your boundary, contact either:


Fencing is usually a civil matter. In the first instance, contact the Citizens Advice Bureau or your lawyer to discuss your issue.

For fences over 2.5m in height, contact us and ask for the building helpdesk to discuss.

Site access

To report trespassing or an obstruction in a private accessway - contact the police.

To report other obstructions:

  • Footpath, berm, road or a public area: call us on 09 301 0101.
  • Footpath damage: call Auckland Transport on 09 355 3553.


To report damage caused by a developer - contact the Citizens Advice Bureau or your lawyer.


Earthworks causing instability on a neighbouring property including cracking of the earth or a large unstable cut: call us on 09 301 0101.

One of our inspectors will visit the site to make an assessment.


Vibration due to construction or earthworks may cause vibration effects.

While we may be able to help with the causes of vibration, we can't help with rectifying any damage.



Call the pollution hotline to discuss any issues on 09 377 3107.


To check if your home is in an overland flow path, enter your address in our map viewer or call us on 09 301 0101.


Issues concerning trees along the boundary of neighbouring properties are a private matter, unless the tree is a protected tree.

To make a complaint about a public tree in a park or road reserve, call us on 09 301 0101.

Health and safety

To report safety issues or lack of onsite facilities for neighbouring developments (e.g. no portaloo) contact Worksafe New Zealand.

Reporting unconsented building work

If you suspect work is being carried out, or has been carried out, that you think needs a building consent, contact us on 09 301 0101.

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