Cycling time 2 mins
Distance 250 m
Huapai School Path - Asphalt path around the playing field.
Huapai School Path - Ramp features to build confidence alongside the path.
Huapai School Path - Small pump track.
Huapai School Path - Asphalt path around the outside of the playing field.
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Starts at 40 Station Road, Huapai
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Are your children looking for somewhere local to learn to ride their bike, or practise new tricks?
Check out the safe learn-to-ride bike track that runs around the sports fields of Huapai District School.
You'll also find some small ramps and a short pump track for more confident children to challenge themselves and develop new skills.
The track is on school grounds, and is only available outside of school hours and during school holidays - courtesy of the Bikes in Schools programme (Bike On Trust). Please respect the school grounds and property.
Walking 25 mins
Cycling 5 mins
Distance 1.2 km
Distance 1.3 km
Cycling 1 mins
Distance 150 m
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