Walking time 30 mins
Walking steps 2600 steps
Distance 2 km
St Heliers to Achilles Point - Path starts alongside the beach.
St Heliers to Achilles Point - St Heliers Village beach frontage.
St Heliers to Achilles Point - St Heliers beach.
St Heliers to Achilles Point - Māori pou at Achilles Point.
St Heliers to Achilles Point - Views through pōhutukawa to Auckland skyline.
St Heliers to Achilles Point - Views over St Heliers Bay.
St Heliers to Achilles Point - Views to Rangitoto.
St Heliers to Achilles Point - Views to Browns Island.
St Heliers to Achilles Point - Path leading up to Achilles Point from Cliff Road.
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Starts at 425-405 Tamaki Drive, St Heliers, Auckland
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A lovely stroll along Cliff Road from St Heliers to Achilles Point, with spectacular views over St Heliers Bay, Rangitoto Island and Browns Island.
Spend the afternoon enjoying the charming village and pōhutukawa-fringed beach of St Heliers. St Heliers has a popular children's playground, public toilets and public library all within an easy walk of the beach.
From St Heliers, follow the path along Cliff Road to Achilles Point. Achilles Point commemorates the 1939 battle of the River Plate where the New Zealand-crewed ship Achilles engaged with other allied vessels to defeat legendary German cruiser Graf Spee.
At Achilles Point the extended viewing platform offers breathtaking views and a great vantage point to watch the sunrise or set. The view from the headland stretches from Auckland city in the west to the distant peaks of Coromandel Peninsula in the east.
There is a year-round off leash dog area at Ladies Bay. Check on-site signage before you go. Follow the short pathway down to the sheltered sand and shell beach. Please note this secluded beach is not suitable for young people or families.
Walking 40 mins
Cycling 15 mins
Distance 3 km
Walking 60 mins
Distance 5.2 km
Distance 2.6 km
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