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Bucklands Beach Path

Walking time 60 mins

Walking steps 6760 steps

Distance 5.2 km

Starts at 1 Ara-Tai Road, Half Moon Bay

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About the path

A lovely flat stroll in Bucklands Beach, alongside the Tāmaki Estuary.

This family-friendly walk offers fantastic views to Rangitoto Island, the Waitematā Harbour and Maungarei / Mt Wellington.

Take a scenic 40-minute ferry ride from the city or park your car at the Half Moon Bay Marina.

From the marina, the path takes you along the boardwalk to Little Bucklands Beach where you can wander the sandy beach, the grass areas, or walk the flatly paved footpath along the other side of The Parade.

The path follows 'Little' Bucklands Beach and 'Big' Bucklands Beach. There are some popular swimming, fishing and boating spots – so pack your gear if you want to join the action after your walk.

Kids will love playing in the sand and spotting boats in the estuary.

If you want to keep exploring the beautiful Bucklands Beach coastline, join up with the Musick Point Path at the northern end of the path.

The route is pram friendly. Public toilets are located along the way.


  • Public toilet

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