Cycling time 2 mins
Distance 200 m
Turner Reserve Path - Path start from May Road
Turner Reserve Path - Path offers a few bumps to build confidence
Turner Reserve Path - Path winds around between trees
Turner Reserve Path - Nice learning space for riding
Turner Reserve Path - More bumps to finish the circuit
Turner Reserve Path - Turner Reserve playground, basketball court and flying fox
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Starts at 1-5 Glynn Street, Mount Roskill
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A nice, easy 'learn to ride' track around Turner Reserve in Mt Roskill.
The path offers a fun space with a few bumps in the path. It is ideal for children building their confidence on bikes, balance bikes and scooters.
When kids need a break from riding, the popular playground features a flying fox and suspended ‘Eagle’s Nest’.
The park also features two basketball hoops, and a drinking fountain.
Next door, the May Road School Path (available for public use outside of school hours) offers a flat sandstone riding track for kids to continue their riding practice. The separate pump track will put their skills to the test!
Cycling 2 mins
Distance 380 m
Distance 300 m
Distance 350 m
Mount Roskill
Popular neighbourhood park with a playground, basketball court, flying fox and children's bike path.
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