Walking time 30 mins
Walking steps 2600 steps
Distance 2 km
Lynfield Cove Path - Path starts from the main car park off Gilletta Road
Lynfield Cove Path - Kid’s playground
Lynfield Cove Path - View from coastal edge when the tide is in
Lynfield Cove Path - The path begins with a steep flight of stairs
Lynfield Cove Path - View over Lynfield Cove Beach
Lynfield Cove Path - Shaded part of the path between trees
Lynfield Cove Path - Outstanding views over the Manukau Harbour
Lynfield Cove Path - Return journey route up a short flight of steps
Lynfield Cove Path - Grass part of the route.
Lynfield Cove Path - Places to sit in the shade
Lynfield Cove Path - Last part of the path prior to turnaround point
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Starts at 28 Royal Viking Way, Lynfield
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Encounter Lynfield Cove, regenerating native bush and spectacular coastal views.
The Lynfield Cove Path is part of The Waikōwhai Walkway on the scenic northern shore of the Manukau Harbour. Lynfield Cove is a small, peaceful bay, best enjoyed at high tide.
Start your walk in Lynfield Cove Reserve, at the main car park off Gilletta Road.
The path begins begins with a steep flight of stairs and then heads into the bush with elevated viewing spots over the beach and Manukau Harbour.
When you exit the bush, the grass track meanders along the back of houses to join Niagara Crescent.
Walking 45 mins
Distance 3 km
Walking 20 mins
Distance 1.5 km
Walking 35 mins
A local bush reserve with coastal access.
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