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Te Ara o Tiriwa / Gittos Domain Path

Walking time 40 mins

Walking steps 2340 steps

Distance 1.8 km

Starts at 558-570 Blockhouse Bay Road, Blockhouse Bay

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About the path

An interesting walk from Blockhouse Bay village through peaceful Gittos Domain.

Start behind the Blockhouse Bay Library. The Blockhouse Bay area was historically serviced by a mobile library. After repeated requests including a 'sit in' protest at a council meeting, locals were successful and their library was opened in 1995.

Follow the path to historic Armanasco House - a kauri farmhouse built in 1890 that is one of the earliest houses in Blockhouse Bay.

Public toilets are located on the Blockhouse Bay Road side of Armanasco House.

Turn right and follow the path around the back of the Blockhouse Bay School sports turf to enter Gittos Domain.

Follow the mostly gravel walking track through the peaceful bush reserve. The path has a number of steps, and can be steep in sections. Mind the tree roots in some areas as you walk.

Take a short detour to the sheltered bay at the southern point of the reserve. You'll be rewarded with great views over the Manukau Harbour.

Follow the bushwalk back to Blockhouse Bay village - a great spot to pick up a coffee or bite to eat from one of the local cafes.


  • Drinking fountain
  • Library
  • Public toilet

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