Walking time 70 mins
Walking steps 7150 steps
Cycling time 30 mins
Distance 5.5 km
Clendon Path - Picnic area near end of Palmers Road
Clendon Path - Path running through green space
Clendon Path - Path running along coastal edge
Clendon Path - Tidal beach area
Clendon Path - Typical section of the path
Clendon Path - Small bridge on the path
Clendon Path - Plenty of green space
Clendon Path - Manukau Harbour views
Clendon Path - Manukau Harbour views.
Clendon Path - Local inspiration
Clendon Path - Large pine trees
Clendon Path - Picnic area
Clendon Path - Section of the path running next to foreshore
Clendon Path - Short shaded boardwalk section
Clendon Path - Duck under the tree branches
Clendon Path - Exercise equipment off Finlayson Avenue
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Starts at 45 Gibbons Road, Weymouth
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Walk, cycle or scoot along the Manukau Harbour foreshore in coastal Manurewa.
This relatively flat shared path is a great route for pram walks, bikes and scooters - though you will need to carry these over a short set of stairs.
Start at Gibbons Road or any of the surrounding streets.
At Laurie Gibbons Memorial Park the sport fields are perfect for kicking a ball around (when not being used for sports teams).
Don't miss the picnic area near Palmers Road, where you can have a bite to eat and enjoy beautiful coastal views.
Depending on the tide, you can access the water at different points along the pathway.
At the Finlayson Avenue end, take advantage of the outdoor exercise equipment for an open air workout.
Walking 60 mins
Cycling 30 mins
Distance 5 km
Walking 20 mins
Cycling 5 mins
Distance 1.7 km
Cycling 2 mins
Distance 380 m
Large coastal sports park with a car park, picnic tables and seating.
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