Walking time 30 mins
Walking steps 2600 steps
Distance 2 km
Witheford Reserve Path - Access from Valecrest Place.
Witheford Reserve Path - Be prepared for steps down and up.
Witheford Reserve Path - Path through bush.
Witheford Reserve Path - Path weaves through regenerating bush.
Witheford Reserve Path - Nīkau and Ponga next to the path.
Witheford Reserve Path - Small water falls in stream to see along the way.
Witheford Reserve Path - Entry from Kaipātiki Road.
Witheford Reserve Path - Path consists of gravel and boardwalk sections.
Witheford Reserve Path - Path weaving through the bush.
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Starts at 16 Valecrest Place, Bayview
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Get active and explore the beautiful regenerating bush, stream and small waterfall features in Witheford Scenic Reserve.
If you are looking for an all-round fitness walk in a lovely bush environment, this Glenfield walk is a great choice.
The gravel and boardwalk path weaves through the bush, with some steep sections and a number of stairs to climb. Wear sturdy shoes in wet weather, as the track can become muddy.
Start your walk from Valecrest Place, where street parking is available. Access from Kaipatiki Road is also possible, though it is busier and there isn't any street parking.
Walking 15 mins
Distance 850 m
Walking 40 mins
Distance 1.8 km
Walking 60 mins
Distance 2.3 km
Bush covered reserve.
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