Walking time 30 mins
Walking steps 1560 steps
Distance 1.2 km
Monte Cecilia Path - Pah Homestead - TSB Wallace Arts Centre
Monte Cecilia Path - Pah Homestead garden art.
Monte Cecilia Path - A path section behind the homestead with seating and reflection areas.
Monte Cecilia Path - The path takes you though formal landscapes.
Monte Cecilia Path - Path section entering the wetland area.
Monte Cecilia Path - View from the path towards Māngere Mountain.
Monte Cecilia Path - View from the path towards Maungakiekie (One Tree Hill).
Monte Cecilia Path - The path takes you past some significant trees.
Monte Cecilia Path - A section of the path on the east of the park.
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Starts at 11 Delargey Ave, Hillsborough
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There are access points to Monte Cecilia Park on several surrounding streets.
Enjoy a leisurely walk through a Victorian designed landscape setting.
The walk is great for all ages. You'll need to plan time to enjoy the big shady trees, views towards Maungakiekie (One Tree Hill) and Mangere Mountain.
Its rugged terrain means you should take a sturdy buggy and leave the kids' scooters at home. The path is generally quite wide with some paved sections. The rest is gravel.
A short wooden boardwalk takes you through the ‘wetlands’ area at the bottom of the park beside Marcellin College.
The grassy slopes are great for summer picnics, throwing a ball or frisbee.
Walking 45 mins
Distance 2 km
Walking 30 mins
Distance 1.1 km
Walking 40 mins
Cycling 20 mins
Distance 3 km
Royal Oak
Large park with the grand Pa Homestead and a spectacular collection of large and rare exotic trees.
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