Te tāpui whare noho mehemea kei raro iho koe i te 18 tau te pakeke
Booking accommodation if you are under 18 years old
Booking a bach, lodge or picnic site
If you are under 18 years of age you cannot book baches, lodges and bookable picnic sites.
You can only use these sites with appropriate supervision.
Booking a camping site
If you are 15 years and under you must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian in a campground.
If you are under 18 years of age and making a camping site booking, you will need to complete a parental consent form.
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Book accommodation at our parks | | https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/parks-recreation/stay-at-park | Book accommodation at our parks | There are a great number of sites, campgrounds, baches and barbecues you can book at our parks. | | | | aspx | | | | | | | | | Parks | |
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