Mahere ā-Rohe o Ōtara-Papatoetoe
Ōtara-Papatoetoe Area Plan
The Ōtara-Papatoetoe Area Plan gives us a framework to support growth and development in the area over the next 30 years.
Considerations of the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Area Plan
The area plan considers:
- the area's unique heritage (cultural, built and natural)
- the natural environment
- parks and open spaces
- opportunities for social and economic growth
- infrastructure requirements
- funding requirements
- aligning with the overarching Auckland Plan.
We are currently reviewing parts of this area plan and we want your feedback on this. For more information and to have your say on the proposed changes to the area plan please visit
You can have your say from 14 February until 13 March 2022.
Local community's contribution to the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Area Plan
The community, mana whenua representatives and key stakeholders have helped shape and prioritise the area plan.
Key moves
- Protect Ōtara-Papatoetoe's heritage, community facilities and landscapes.
- Enhance the Manukau, old Papatoetoe and Hunters Corner town centres.
- Strengthen current industrial areas to be key employment areas for residents.
Key moves are illustrated by supporting maps in the appendices to the plan.
Get a copy of the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Area Plan
Progress on delivering the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Area Plan
Since the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Area Plan was adopted in 2014 significant progress has been made on:
- projects to upgrade Puhinui train station and introduction of Rapid Transit Network for bus services between Auckland Airport, Puhinui train station, Manukau and Botany
- the transition of Manukau from a city centre to a vibrant metropolitan centre
- projects relating to Old Papatoetoe Town Centre upgrade and completion of a new supermarket building.
Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board is working on a number of other actions, such as:
- reviewing the transport-related actions, taking into consideration Auckland Transport's (AT) work programme
- reviewing projects relating to Ōtara Town Centre, as Manukau Institute of Technology (MIT) is relocating its activities in Manukau
- involvement of Panuku in Ōtara projects to be supported with required planning inputs.
Related topics
Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board | | | Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board | Learn about the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board, contact local board members, view plans agreements and reports and read local board news and events. | | | | aspx | | | | | | | | | Local boards | |
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