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Visit an archives office

Access archives and undertake research at our archive offices.

Our archives team can help you with:

  • finding records
  • navigating the archives database
  • the nature of the information you can expect to find
  • research strategies to find sources of information.

We provide these services free of charge.

Copying and photographing archives

We can reproduce and make copies of maps, plans and photographs for a fee. This service is subject to the age and physical condition of the documents and photographs.

We recommend researchers use this service for high resolution or publication quality images.

For all imaging and copying fees see Archival services.

Microform scanner

Researchers at our central office can also use our microform scanner to download microfilm, microfiche and aperture card records onto a USB memory stick.

To do this you must complete a research enquiry form, available at the archives offices.

Before your visit

Gather as much information as you can. Specific names, dates and places can narrow down the search.

If possible, contact us before your visit so we can retrieve material ready for you to view.

Not all archive records and collections are held on-site, and it takes two working days to send records from one archive office to another.

Research advice

Most valuation and rating records do not have indexes of individuals and are arranged street by street.

If you are researching an area in Auckland, published local histories and suburban newspapers can provide valuable information on the development of the area, places and people of interest.

Long-time residents of an area can also provide a different perspective and personal evidence of people and events, like photographs and letters that may not be recorded elsewhere.

Researching a building or a property

You will need the street address of the building or property you are researching.

You can contact Land Information New Zealand for a Record of Title to identify older properties without street addresses, or where street numbers have changed.

Restricted records

The Public Records Act 2005 ensures public access to local authority archives.

You need to apply for permission to access the few records that have restrictions. The archivist will tell you how to make an application.

Examples of restricted records are:

  • personnel files covered by the Privacy Act 2020
  • confidential minutes of council meetings containing personal information on identifiable individuals or commercially sensitive information
  • records that are fragile. In such instances, we will either prepare the original so that you can view the item without handling it, or make a copy of the original.

During your visit

Archives are unique and irreplaceable.

To allow us to preserve the archives for future researchers, when you visit our archives offices you must:

  • complete a research enquiry form (available at archives offices)
  • place all your bags in lockers or in a designated storage area
  • not take any kai (food) or drinks into the reading room
  • handle all material with care
  • not mark or fold the archives or disturb their order
  • let an archivist know if you find an item that needs repair
  • wash your hands before touching documents
  • only use pencils to make notes
  • not rest notepads on any archives
  • not remove items for copying or use post-it notes, instead use paper slips from the archivist to indicate the pages to be copied
  • receive written approval to publish any of our archives, and acknowledge Auckland Council Archives as the source
  • not remove archives from the reading room.

In addition, we will:

  • only issue a 'reasonable' number of archival items at one time.
  • not issue any materials after 4.45pm.

Using portable scanners

You can use portable scanners in our archive offices, but only with permission from the duty archivist for the reading room.

An approved portable scanner must not touch our records or use flash illumination. It must also operate without making noise that disturbs other customers.

Mobile phones, laptops and personal cameras

You can use laptop computers and personal cameras in our archive offices.

You must keep the volume on your mobile phones turned off (silent mode).

Rules for photographing archives

  • Check with an archivist first so they can recommend the best way to handle the archive.  
  • Check the flash on your camera is turned off.
  • No tripods or specialist lighting equipment are allowed.
  • Do not attempt to flatten or dismantle archives.  
  • Do not stand on the furniture or remove the archives from the table when taking photographs.

You cannot photograph:

  • archives that are restricted
  • archives that you do not have permission to photograph
  • archives that are too fragile to be photographed.

We take no responsibility for any damage or loss to your camera equipment or other devices while using them in the reading room.

Copyright and photographing archival records

  • Photographing archival records is subject to copyright.
  • Auckland Council Archives can give copyright clearance to archives under Auckland Council copyright. This covers documents created by council employees or by a predecessor local authority.
  • You may need to get copyright clearance from the organisation or individuals concerned if we do not hold the copyright.
  • It is your responsibility to ensure that copyright is not breached.

Selling or making public copies of images

Copies of archives are for private use and study only. You cannot sell or pass on any images that you make.

You must get written permission from us to publish or reproduce any images of archives you may have made.

Referencing your sources

You must record and acknowledge the source of an image using our guidelines.

We recommend you photograph the issuing slip before photographing the archives.

The archivist can advise further on this.

Citation guidelines

When referencing a record within the Auckland Council Archives collection, the following elements are needed for a complete citation:

  • record title
  • record date
  • record and part numbers
  • archives series, item and box numbers.

Please acknowledge Auckland Council Archives as the source.

Examples are:

  • Great Barrier Island County Council Minutes, 13 August 1913, pages 3-4, GBI 001 Box 1 Item 1, Auckland Council Archives
  • Plan for extension of Princes Street to Railway Wharf, no date, Auckland City Council engineering plans, ACC 015 Record 700-1, Auckland Council Archives
  • Wharves and Jetties - Policy, 1994-1997, North Shore City Council Subject Files, NSC 600 Record 8000-00 Part 1, Auckland Council Archives
  • Nelson Street Widening, 1964, Howick Borough Council Engineering Department Contracts, HBC 037 Item 63, Auckland Council Archives
  • Mayor and Councillors 1912, Birkenhead Borough and City Council Mayor and Councillors’ Photographs, BCC 485 Box 3 Item 6, Auckland Council Archives.

Donate your research

We request that researchers who use the archives as a substantive source for publications donate a copy of the completed research to the archives.

Archive office locations

Archives for north and west Auckland areas


Hawiti Albany Hub

  6-8 Munroe Lane


Google Maps

Opening hours

Monday to Friday.

By appointment only.

Contact details

09 890 2427

Auckland Council Archives

Archives for South Auckland


Papakura Service Centre and Local Board

   35 Coles Crescent


Google Maps

Contact details

09 890 2427

Auckland Council Archives

Archives for the central Auckland area


Basement, Auckland Central City Library

  44-46 Lorne Street

  Auckland Central

Google Maps

Visiting us

Use the entrance to the Academy Cinema and use the stairs to walk down two floors.

Contact us before you visit if you have restricted mobility so we can arrange for alternative access.

Opening hours

Monday to Friday.

2pm to 5pm, or by appointment.

Contact details

09 890 2427

Auckland Council Archives

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