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Standard burial burialFind out what your standard burial options are.aspxCemeteries
Maintenance of burial plots of burial plotsRead about cemetery responsibilities and burial rights holder plot maintenance responsibilities. aspxCemeteries
Natural burial burialRead about natural burials, the requirements and how to find out more. aspxCemeteries
Disinterment of a body of a bodyFind out about removing and relocating a body with a disinterment licence from the ministry of health.aspx



Burial of ashes of ashesRead about the options to bury your loved ones' ashes.aspxCemeteries
Exclusive right of burial right of burial​Learn about exclusive right of burial, including expiration and transfer of burial rights. aspxCemeteries



Purchase burial plot burial plotFind out how to purchase a plot including payment options, inheriting plots, where and when to purchase a plot and checking headstone or monument rules. aspxCemeteries

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Scattering of ashes of ashesRead about ash scattering considerations and where you can scatter ashes. aspxCemeteries