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Notified resource consent applications open for submission

Find notified resource consent applications open for submission.

​Open notified resource consent applications

You should know

For limited notified applications, only those assessed as being directly affected by the proposal may make a submission. We will advise you by post if you are eligible to make a submission on a particular limited notified application.



60 Kerrs Road Manukau Central 67660 Kerrs Road Manukau Central BUN60368908 False26/02/2025 10:55:00 a.m.
116 Onewa Road and 2 Fairfax Avenue Northcote674116 Onewa Road and 2 Fairfax Avenue NorthcoteBUN60434603True18/02/2025 10:55:00 a.m.
142 Tuhimata Road, Drury673142 Tuhimata Road, DruryBUN60358499 False10/02/2025 10:55:00 a.m.
15 Fred Taylor Drive Massey67115 Fred Taylor Drive MasseyLUC60425625False10/02/2025 10:55:00 a.m.
Lot 100 DP 528699 Le Coz Road and 2A Le Coz Road (Lot 150 DP 528699), Whitford, Auckland 2571670Lot 100 DP 528699 Le Coz Road and 2A Le Coz Road (Lot 150 DP 528699), Whitford, Auckland 2571BUN60436439 (Council Reference) comprising: LUC60438973 (s9 land use consent), DIS60436460 (s15 discharge permit – wastewater), CST60436461 (s15(2A) coastal permit)False7/02/2025 10:55:00 a.m.
152 Kepa Road, Orakei669152 Kepa Road, OrakeiLUC60431090False31/01/2025 10:55:00 a.m.

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