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Mahere Whakahaere Kīrearea ā-Rohe

Regional Pest Management Plan (RPMP)

The RPMP guides all our pest control programmes. We aim to identify and control targeted pests so that they no longer pose a threat to our economy, natural biodiversity, health and cultural identity.​

What the RPMP does

The RPMP sets our priorities and goals for managing animal and plant pests in Auckland / Tāmaki Makaurau.

It also sets out rules that must be followed under the Biosecurity Act 1993.

RPMP 2020-2030

The aim of this plan is to minimise harm to:

  • endangered species
  • species diversity
  • water quality
  • recreation
  • international trade
  • human health
  • soil resources
  • Māori culture
  • primary production.

Updating the RPMP

Our current plan expires in 2030. We need to update it to reflect new threats to our natural environment, cultural values and industries, such as:

We need to start reviewing our current plan now, so the new plan is ready to take effect in 2030.

Public consultation

We want to hear your views about some of the issues facing our natural environment, cultural values and industries.

You can provide feedback from Friday 25 October to Sunday 8 December 2024.

Visit Let's Protect Our Environment for more information about the issues we want to address and to leave your feedback.

We will also gather feedback from mana whenua, stakeholders and technical experts. We will then use all the feedback to draft a proposed 10-year plan to protect our natural environment between 2030 and 2040.

We expect to run a public consultation on the proposed new plan in 2027.

Who is responsible for managing pests?

  • Landowners and occupiers who hold the primary responsibility for managing pests, especially near native ecosystems.
  • People selling plants and animals must make sure they do not sell pest species.
  • Pet or livestock owners must ensure their animals are securely contained and do not escape in the wild.
  • Commercial transport operators and people visiting islands in the Hauraki Gulf must make sure they do not spread pests to new islands.
  • People using lakes, streams and other freshwater bodies must make sure they do not spread pests to new waterbodies.

We provide advice, support and community education on the threats and control of pests - visit Pest plants and animals for more information.

In areas of high conservation value or where there is serious threat, we will also take control of certain species on behalf of the community.

Get a copy of the RPMP

The RPMP is split into separate files to make it easier to download.

Learn more about the RPMP

Email for more information.

Exemptions to RPMP

Section 78 of the Biosecurity Act allows Auckland Council to issue exemptions to parts of the RPMP under certain conditions. These conditions include making sure that any exemption does not prevent the plan from achieving its goals.

View summary of exemptions

Summary of existing exemptions is recorded in the Exemptions Register. Email to request access to the Exemptions Register.

If you are granted an exemption, we will add it to this register. Any personal details will not be visible to the public.

Apply for an exemption to part of the RPMP

To apply for an exemption, complete the form and email it to us.

We will respond to your application within 20 working days.

Operational plan to implement the RPMP

Section 100B of the Biosecurity Act sets out requirements for an operational plan, showing how the council will implement the RPMP. We will report progress against the operational plan each year.


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