About the notice of requirement
Notice of requirement lodged by Auckland Transport to upgrade Helvetia Road, Pukekohe in the south-west and a new corridor from Helvetia Road to SH22 Paerata in the north-east including active mode facilities.
Project Pukekohe North-West Upgrade (NoR 7) in the Pukekohe package lodged by Te Tupu Ngātahi Supporting Growth Alliance.
The Pukekohe Transport Network encompasses eight transport projects (with nine Notices of Requirement) for the Pukekohe, Paerata and Drury West areas. Auckland Transport has lodged six and Waka Kotahi has lodged two Notices of Requirements with Auckland Council for route protection. One of the Waka Kotahi transport projects, Mill Road and Pukekohe East Road Upgrade (NoR 8) is located within both Auckland and Waikato, so a Notice of Requirement has also been lodged with the Waikato District Council. This Notice of Requirement can be viewed at Waikato District Council here
The Pukekohe Transport Network includes provision for improved walking and cycling, public transport, and general traffic connections.
Lodged on 2 October 2023.
Notified on 13 October 2023.
Submissions close Midnight 13 November 2023.
Hearings - For more information, see the Hearing Documents.
Recommendation notified on 22 August 2024.
Decision notified on 24 October 2024.
Appeals closed on 15 November 2024.
Confirmed, plan updated on 13 December 2024.
Information on all supporting growth projects see Supporting Growth Programme.
Notice of requirement documents
Plan update document
Decision document
Recommendation document
Notification documents
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