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Power of Attorney (POA) or written permission

POA or written permission provides authority for someone, other than the property owner, to access full information about a property's rates account.

How to submit a POA or written permission

You will need to give us either:

  • a copy of the POA from your solicitor
  • a letter, signed by the property owner (written permission).

Written permission should include:

  • property ratepayers' names
  • property assessment number
  • property address
  • full name of the nominated person
  • scanned confirmation that the nominated person is allowed to access the information on the account (legal document)
  • scanned letter that includes the ratepayers' signatures.

 By post

​Auckland Council Property Rates
Private Bag 92300
Victoria Street West
Auckland 1142

 In person

What happens next

​We will add your POA or written permission to your account within 10 working days of receiving it.

We will keep your POA or written permission on record, for all future contact.

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