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Ngā Kaitiaki Wai


Watercare Services Limited provides reliable water and wastewater services to the people and businesses of Auckland.

​What Watercare does

The company draws water from multiple sources, treats it to a high standard and delivers it to homes and businesses via a vast network of pipes.

It also collects, treats and disposes of wastewater, including trade waste from industry.

The exception to this is in Papakura, where Veolia Water retails water and wastewater services to homes and businesses under a franchise agreement.

Watercare is also focused on the future needs of the region. It plans, constructs and delivers new water and wastewater infrastructure in a cost-efficient manner.

Auckland Council issues consents for the installation of non-reticulated water and wastewater systems such as water and septic tanks.

Watercare website

Visit the Watercare website to pay your Watercare bill, register for water e-billing, report a faults or find out about water outages:

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