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Komiti Tahua

Budget Committee

What the Budget Committee does

The Budget Committee is responsible for certain matters relating to the 10-year Budget (Long-term Plan) and the Annual Budget.

The committee is responsible for:

  • assisting the mayor to develop the 10-year Budget (Long-term Plan) and Annual Budget.
  • approving the 10-year Budget (Long-term Plan) or Annual Budget consultation documents, supporting information and consultation process before consultation.
  • making recommendations to the Governing Body on the adoption of the final 10-year Budget (Long-term Plan) and annual budgets.


Mayor Wayne Brown

Deputy chairperson

Cr Greg Sayers


All councillors are members of this committee.

Houkura (formerly the Independent Māori Statutory Board)

Tony Kake

David Taipari

Senior governance advisor

Duncan Glasgow

021 579 761


See dates and times of meetings in the current year.  

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