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Te whakakanohi i ngā rangatahi mō te Poari ā-Rohe o Takarunga-Takapuna

Youth representation on Devonport-Takapuna Local Board

Local board youth seat opportunity

In 2024, Devonport-Takapuna Local Board and Younite – a group of young people promoting youth activities in the community – are working on an initiative to trial a youth seat on the local board.

Rangatahi (young people) aged 16-24 can attend and give feedback at local board workshops. If you are under 18, you must get permission from your school or guardian.

Contact your local board office to find out about youth initiatives your area.

Attending a local board workshop

If you are interested in giving feedback at a local board workshop:

  • read the Rangatahi Guide to Attending Local Board Meetings
  • email to register your interest. Include your name, school year, and which school you attend
  • fill out the Auckland Council Model Release Form for Minors 2022b.

Download the workshop documents

​What Younite is

Younite is a group of young people aged 14-24 years old who are committed to making a difference in the community.

Their core purpose is:

  • encouraging self-expression
  • amplifying youth voices
  • fostering a community where rangatahi (young people) can succeed.

What Younite does

By joining Younite you can:

  • work directly with the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board to make changes in your community
  • lead projects and events on things you are passionate about
  • be part of a group of like-minded rangatahi (young people).

When Younite meets

Younite meets weekly during the school term at Shore Junction Youth Hub in Takapuna.

How to join Younite

 To apply to be an executive board member of Younite you can:

Visit Younite on Instagram

You can see more of what Younite do for the community on their Instagram page.

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