Tirohia mēnā me tono whakaaetanga rānei koe mō te whakauru, ki te panoni pūnaha tuku wai para ā-kāinga ake rānei
Check if you need a consent to install or alter an on-site wastewater system
When you might need a building and resource consent to install or alter an on-site wastewater system
You will need a building consent, and you may need a resource consent to install a new wastewater system or to make proposed alterations to that system. The consents ensure the system complies with the building code and doesn't endanger the environment or public health.
You may need a resource consent for discharging the treated wastewater (water from showers, baths, washing machines and toilets) onto or into your land.
You will need to renew your consent when it expires (usually after 10 or 15 years).
Our tip
If you sell your property, you will need to transfer the consent to the new owner. Otherwise we will continue to charge you the monitoring fee.
Reasons why else you might need a resource consent
- Your proposed works don't comply with the Auckland Unitary Plan, Chapter E5 (PDF 99.7KB) rules.
- Your proposed effluent field will be installed:
- in the '1 in 20yr ARI floodplain' area
- on earthworked or potentially compacted land
- Your system and design is not in accordance with the Technical Publication No. 58 (TP58).
Proposed works that might not need a building or resource consent
You can do maintenance, minor repairs, replacements or alterations to drains or a component of an existing system, without a building consent.
Auckland Unitary Plan, Chapter E5 lists permitted activities (P) for which you won't need a resource consent. It also states the standards for those activities.
You still need to ensure your proposed works comply with the New Zealand Building Code.
How to check if you need a consent to install a wastewater system
By phone
Call us on 09 301 0101 and ask for the planning helpdesk to check if you need a consent.
You should know
Your building work must:
- comply with the Building Code, even if no building consent is needed
- not damage public service drains if its foundations are close to the pipes.
Related topics
Rainwater tanks | | https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/environment/looking-after-aucklands-water/rainwater-tanks | Rainwater tanks | Learn the advantages of collecting rainwater on your property, how to use it, and information on installing an outdoor water tank. | | | | aspx | | | | | | | | | Environment | |
Install or alter an on-site wastewater treatment and disposal system | | https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/building-and-consents/building-renovation-projects/Install-alter-on-site-wastewater-treatment-disposal-system | Install or alter an on-site wastewater treatment and disposal system | Check when you need a consent to install or alter an on-site wastewater system, what you need to know before you apply for a consent, and your responsibilities after you've installed the system. | | | | aspx | | | | | | | | | Building and consents | |
Safe Networks | | https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/environment/looking-after-aucklands-water/water-quality-targeted-rate/Pages/safe-networks.aspx | Safe Networks | Safe Networks conduct monitoring and investigations in our streams, watercourses and stormwater network to identify contaminants and track them to their source. | | | | aspx | | | | | | | | | Environment | |
Before you apply for wastewater system building consent | | https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/building-and-consents/building-renovation-projects/Install-alter-on-site-wastewater-treatment-disposal-system/Pages/before-apply-wastewater-system-building-consent.aspx | Before you apply for wastewater system building consent | What you need before you apply for a building consent to install or alter a wastewater system and what documentation you will need to sign off your works. | | | | aspx | | | | | | | | | Building and consents | |
Your responsibilities after you install a wastewater system | | https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/building-and-consents/building-renovation-projects/Install-alter-on-site-wastewater-treatment-disposal-system/Pages/responsibilities-after-install-wastewater-system.aspx | Your responsibilities after you install a wastewater system | Find out what your responsibilities are after you have installed a wastewater disposal and treatment system. | | | | aspx | | | | | | | | | Building and consents | |
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