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E tono whakaaetanga ā-rawa (mahi ā-one) mō te whakamahi whenua

Apply for a land use (earthworks) resource consent

What you need to supply

What to include with your earthworks resource consent application:

1. Detailed plans, including:

  • a site plan(s) that shows the existing topography and where the proposed cut or fill will be carried out
  • elevations and cross sections of the proposed cut or fill
  • details of any proposed retaining structures
  • a plan showing the approximate volume and area of the earthworks
  • details of any cut or fill batters or both (including height of batter, depth of excavation or fill, slope of batter and extent)
  • details of any overland flow paths and the proximity of any streams/wetlands to the site
  • an erosion and sediment control plan (including the sizing and dimensions of any sediment control devices). For guidance on how best to manage your earthwork activity refer to Erosion and Sediment Control Guide for Land Disturbing Activities in the Auckland Region Guideline Document 2016/005 GD05 (GD05)

2. An assessment of environmental effects (AEE) of the earthworks, including:

  • an appropriate earthworks methodology, including details of the timing and duration of the earthworks and whether they are proposed to be staged, and if so, an explanation of each stage
  • how land stability on and next to the site will be maintained. If there is any risk of instability, include a geotechnical report
  • an assessment of the earthwork's potential sediment yield and visual effects, and proposed mitigation measures (including any proposed erosion and sediment control measures). The degree of detail required will be proportionate to the scale of the environmental effects of your proposal. If the earthworks activity or its scale has the potential to generate significant effects, a report by a professional advisor in support of your application may be required
  • details on how land stability on and next to the site will be maintained. If there is any risk of instability, a geotechnical report by a professional will be required
  • details showing how dust will be controlled
  • details of how earthworks material is to be transported to or from the site, and:
    • which off-site locations are involved
    • type of machinery to be used (including intended truck size)
    • proposed traffic management.

How to apply

We only accept online applications for a land use (earthworks) resource consent. If you are unable to apply digitally, visit one of our libraries with council services for assistance in making your online application.

​Apply now

If there is no way to provide digital copies of your plans or documents, visit one of our libraries with council services. Our staff will accept your documents for an additional charge. The charge covers costs involved with us scanning your documents into our digital consent system.

Call us on 09 301 0101 to speak with our building and planning help desk if you have questions regarding your application.

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