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Get your impounded animal back

Find your pet in our animal shelters

View lost and adoptable animals to check if your pet has been impounded in one of our animal shelters.

You will need to bring your photo ID to collect an impounded animal.

Impounded dogs

We will hold all dogs at a shelter for seven full days, giving you a chance to come and claim your dog.

You or someone you nominate can visit the shelter during this seven-day period to claim your impounded dog.

After the seven days have passed, the dog will become our property.

We will run behavioural tests and decide whether to put the dog up for adoption, or put it to sleep if it is not suitable for adoption.

Pay impoundment fees

You can pay by debit, Visa or MasterCard at the shelter.

A card payment fee of 0.67 per cent will apply for credit and debit card payments.

Fees are subject to change. Contact the shelter directly for an accurate quote.

Dog impoundment fees

To get your impounded dog back from a shelter, you need to pay the relevant fees:

  • Impoundment fee – this helps cover the costs of looking after your dog in the shelter.
  • Sustenance fee – this helps cover the cost of feeding your dog while they are in the shelter.
  • Registration fee – all impounded dogs must be registered before they are released.
  • Microchipping fee – all impounded dogs must be microchipped before we will release them. We make exceptions for registered working dogs, and dogs that were first registered before 1 July 2006 if it is the first time we have impounded them.
Read fee table.
After hours dog impounding - additional to standard impounding fee (9pm-6am)$84
Daily sustenance for impounded dog$23
Dog impoundment fee first offence$91
Dog impoundment fee second offence$169
Dog impoundment fee third and subsequent offence$264
Micro-chip a dog$39
Vet care, de-sexing, adoption, handover of ownershipContact us for fees

Small animal impoundment fees

Small animals include:

  • sheep
  • pigs
  • goats
  • poultry.
Read fee table.
Small animal daily sustenance fee (excluding first day)$18
Small animal impoundment fee$23
Vet care, de-sexing, adoption, handover of ownershipContact us for fees

Large animal impoundment fees

Large animals include:

  • horses
  • cattle
  • llamas
  • alpacas
  • donkeys
  • mules
  • deer.
Read fee table.
Description Fee
Large animal daily sustenance fee (excluding first day)$24
Large animal impoundment fee$35
Roaming stock – after-hours (9pm-6am)$87
Roaming stock – first call out$80
Roaming stock – subsequent call outs$137
Stock driving fee per kilometreActual cost
Vet care, de-sexing, adoption, handover of ownershipContact us for fees

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