Te kōwhiri kura wai marangai
Choosing a rainwater tank
The type of rainwater tank suitable for you will depend on what you use the water for, how much water your household needs, where the tank could go and how much space is available.
Types of water tanks
Rainwater tanks come in different shapes and sizes.
They can also be made from varying materials, including plastic or concrete.
If you are already connected to the centralised water network and are short of space, slim-line tanks are a good option. They can fit along the side of your house, fence, garage or other structure.
Bladder tanks are designed to fit under floors and decks, making use of previously unused space.
Retention tanks
Retention tanks retain water for future use.
Non-potable (non-drinking water)
Outdoor use, such as washing a car or watering garden |
Non-potable (single use) retention tank or rain barrel |
Outdoor use, toilet flushing and laundry use
Non-potable (single use) retention tank
Potable water (full drinking water supply) |
Outdoor and indoor uses, including kitchen and bathroom water supply
Water must be purified
Most suitable for households NOT connected to centralised water network
Potable (or complete supply) water retention tank |
Stormwater detention tanks
Detention tanks capture rainwater and store it, slowly releasing it back to the stormwater network.
This contributes to reducing the flow of stormwater runoff and minimises the negative effects on the environment, such as bank erosion, sewer and stormwater overflows.
A detention function can be added to a retention tank to make it a dual-purpose system.
Visit the
Auckland Design Manual website for more information on stormwater management devices.
Guide to choosing a rainwater tank
Read our practical guide for information on types of systems, choosing a size, components and what consents you need.
Choosing a tank size
Use our rainwater tank size calculator to work out what size tank your household would need.
The right tank size depends on several factors:
- What the water will be used for (outdoor, laundry, toilet etc).
- How much water you can collect from your roof.
- How much space there is for the tank (underground or above ground).
- The number of household occupants the tank will cater for.
- What your property zone is.
- How reliant you are on water supply.
Generally, the larger the tank, the more effective it will be at capturing a greater volume of roof rainwater runoff and storing it for later use. However, even smaller tanks can provide some household benefits.
There are many tank sizes to choose from, ranging from 200-litre rain barrels (a simple barrel with a tap) to 25,000 litre tanks that connect to internal plumbing for full water supply.
A registered plumber or water tank supplier can offer advice on the best tank to choose and where it should go on your property.
Related topics
Consider stormwater when building | | https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/building-and-consents/stormwater | Consider stormwater when building | If you are doing any sort of development, one of the factors you need to consider is stormwater. Find out what you need to know about stormwater before you begin. | | | | aspx | | | | | | | | | Stormwater | |
Add a rainwater tank | | https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/building-and-consents/building-renovation-projects/add-rainwater-tank | Add a rainwater tank | A guide to the consent application process for a rainwater tank. Check if you need a consent to add a rainwater tank, prepare a consent application and apply for a consent if you need one. | Guide | | | aspx | | | | | | | | | Building and consents | |
Managing wastewater on your property | | https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/environment/looking-after-aucklands-water/Pages/maintain-septic-tank.aspx | Managing wastewater on your property | Your septic tank needs a regular pump-out service to remove scum and sludge buildup. Check for specific requirements if you live in Waitākere or Aotea / Great Barrier Island. | | | | aspx | | | | | | | | | Water quality | |
Rainwater tank components and maintenance | | https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/environment/looking-after-aucklands-water/rainwater-tanks/Pages/rainwater-tank-components-maintenance.aspx | Rainwater tank components and maintenance | Find out what you need to set up your rainwater tank and how you can maintain it. | | | | aspx | | | | | | | | | Environment | |
Benefits of collecting rainwater | | https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/environment/looking-after-aucklands-water/rainwater-tanks/Pages/benefits-collecting-rainwater.aspx | Benefits of collecting rainwater | Find out about how collecting rainwater can benefit you, your community and your environment. | | | | aspx | | | | | | | | | Environment | |
Consent requirements for a rainwater tank | | https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/environment/looking-after-aucklands-water/rainwater-tanks/Pages/consent-requirements-rainwater-tank.aspx | Consent requirements for a rainwater tank | Find out what consents you need before installing a rainwater tank. | | | | aspx | | | | | | | | | Environment | |
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