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Te Rautaki Wai a Tāmaki Makaurau

Auckland Water Strategy

We want to make sure the protection and enhancement of water is a priority in our decision making.

Why we need a water strategy

Clean, healthy water is essential to life in Auckland and our future, but we have not always looked after the water that makes Tāmaki Makaurau so special.

Our water strategy will help us ensure that all our future decision making and investments will contribute to improving the health of our waters.

Developing our strategy

We consulted on the Our Water Future Tō tātou wai ahu ake nei discussion document in 2019 and used the feedback to develop the strategy.

We also considered central government direction and long-term trends like population growth, declining water quality and the need to tackle climate change.

What is in the strategy

Our vision outlines a future where the region’s waters are healthy, thriving, and treasured.

We want to:

  • strengthen the connection Aucklanders have with water and their environment
  • ensure Auckland’s water infrastructure is regenerative, resilient, low carbon, and increases the mauri of water.
  • make sure our growing population has enough water through efficient use and diverse sources
  • restore and enhance Auckland's water ecosystems
  • work with Aucklanders and mana whenua to improve water
  • safeguard sustainable water use and equitable access
  • integrate land use and water planning at all levels.

Get a copy of the strategy documents

Auckland Water Strategy Annual Report

This report provides an overview of how the Auckland Water Strategy is progressing in its first year. It covers the period 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023.

This report is intended for:

  • the Governing Body
  • Auckland Council staff
  • the public.

It explains how the strategy has driven water-related council functions and activities over the last year.

Get a copy of the annual report

Three Waters reforms

The Auckland Water Strategy has been developed during a period of significant uncertainty. Central government has indicated that participation in the proposed Three Waters reforms will be mandated. The reforms would move management of water assets to a new inter-regional entity.

Over the next few years, as the shape and impacts of the proposed reform become clearer, we will use this strategy to inform our position on the aims and outcomes sought from any new entity.

Post-reform, the strategy will still be required as we would continue:

  • our current core role as environmental regulator
  • our core role as regulatory planning authority
  • as treaty partner for local government
  • to engage and be the voice for Auckland communities
  • to manage the council group’s own water consumption (towards regional consumption targets).

We consulted on the proposed reforms in 2021. For more information, see New Zealand's Three Waters reform: What it means for Auckland.

More information

For more detailed reading, see documents on Knowledge Auckland.

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