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Ngā whakaritenga tauwhāiti mō ngā mana whakahaere o te rohe i raro i te Tauākī Kaupapahere ā-Motu mō te Whakahaere Wai Māori

Specific requirements for local authorities under the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management

The National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management (NPSFM) includes additional requirements for all local authorities, and some specific requirements for Auckland, in addition to the general requirements under the National Objectives Framework.

Requirements for local authorities

These are some of the additional requirements set for local authorities in the NPSFM.  

Mapping and monitoring of wetlands

We must identify, map and monitor natural inland wetlands greater than 0.05ha or any wetlands that contain threatened species.

Loss of rivers

We must include policies in the Auckland Unitary Plan (AUP) to avoid the loss of rivers.

Sediment management

We must set limits and develop action plans for sediment in rivers.

Fish passage

We must update the AUP and develop action plans to manage the passage of desired fish species and to protect their habitats.

Primary contact sites

We must identify freshwater primary contact sites. Primary contact sites are where humans use freshwater. We need to:

  • monitor each sites' risk to human health
  • investigate suitability for activities in and around the freshwater site.

Water allocation

We must update the AUP to improve the efficient use of water

Pukekohe Specified Vegetable Growing (PSVG)

This area is a special consideration for Auckland.

The NPSFM recognises the need to enable the domestic supply of vegetables and to maintain food security. When we implement the NPSFM in this area, we may set a target for nutrient management below the national bottom line, but only until 2030.

See NPSFM (Appendix 2A and 2B) for more information about national bottom lines for nutrient management.

We are working with mana whenua, industry stakeholders, and communities to identify the best option to manage the effects of vegetable growing on freshwater systems in this area.

More information

We will keep you informed as the process progresses. Email us at if you are interested in receiving updates.

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