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Minamina Kete Mātai Ngao i te Kāinga (Kete HEAT)

Borrow a Home Energy Audit Toolkit (HEAT kit)

If you’re living in a damp, cold house or paying too much for power, check your home's insulation and energy costs.

​What is a Home Energy Audit Toolkit (HEAT)?

Home Energy Audit Toolkits (HEAT kits) can help you find out:

  • which areas of your home use the most energy
  • how you can make your home healthier and warmer
  • how you can save on power bills and reduce your carbon footprint.

What is in the HEAT kit

  • A hygrometer - to measure air temperatures and moisture levels including tips on how to avoid cold, damp conditions that cause condensation and mould.
  • An infrared thermometer - to find thermal leaks due to poor insulation of ineffective seals including tips on how to fix them.
  • A stopwatch - to measure your shower flow rate including tips on how to make savings through efficient use of hot water.
  • A power meter - to measure the running cost of plug-in appliances including tips on how you can save money on appliances, heating and lighting.
  • Instructions on how to use each tool.
  • A record booklet for recording your measurements and energy saving actions.
  • Infosheets you can take away with more detailed information.

You can also email any feedback to the Low Carbon Living team.

How to borrow a HEAT kit

You can borrow a HEAT kit for free from Auckland Libraries. Request a HEAT kit through the Auckland Libraries catalogue.

Standard library charges apply if the tools are broken, lost or missing. Check with the library for charges.

Get more advice

For more advice on how you can make your home warmer, drier and more energy-efficient, visit Live Lightly - Noho Māmā.

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