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Rīpoatahia he whakaparahanga

Report pollution

Pollution hotline

Call the pollution hotline on 09 377 3107 (24 hours a day, seven days a week) to report:

  • stormwater pollution, including pollutants being discharged into creeks and streams
  • air pollution, including smoke from fires, odours and dust from building sites and quarries, or agrichemical spray drift.

Pollutants may include:

  • dirt, clay and soil sediment
  • concrete wash-out water
  • oils and fuel
  • paint and chemicals
  • smoke, odours, fumes and dust.

Our Pollution Response Team is available seven days a week.

Other pollution issues

Phone us on 09 301 0101 for other pollution issues such as:

  • waste on a beach
  • odours from restaurants
  • illegal dumping of rubbish
  • noise or visual pollution.

For sewer overflows or faults with the water mains supply, call Watercare Services.

To report oil on the sea, call the Harbourmaster on 09 362 0397 (extension 1).

We protect your privacy

When you call us, we will ask you for:

  • details of the pollution
  • your contact name
  • your contact number.

We will handle your details confidentially at all times. We do not pass on your personal information to anyone outside Auckland Council.

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