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Te tuku utanga ki ngā moutere o Tīkapa Moana

Transporting items to the Hauraki Gulf islands

Know the risks and how you can help protect the Hauraki Gulf islands from pests.

When you travel to the Hauraki Gulf islands, it is important to make sure you do not carry pests with you.

Pests like insects, rodents and skinks can harm native wildlife.

You must check that everything you take with you is free from pests, including any personal or commercial items and the vehicles or trailers carrying them.

Travelling in a controlled area

The Department of Conservation (DOC) established the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park in 2000 to control and protect the natural and historic features of the Hauraki Gulf.

Many of the Hauraki Gulf islands are pest-free. This means there are controls in place to stop pests from entering the islands or moving from one island to another within the controlled area.

You may receive a penalty under section 131 of the Biosecurity Act 1993 if you are found carrying pests to the islands or if you do not follow our instructions. You can also be stopped from travelling to the area.

Check with the Department of Conservation (DOC) about any restrictions that apply to visiting or moving items to islands it manages.

Contact DOC at 0800 362 468 or find out more about visiting pest-free islands.

Before you take or transport high-risk items to the Hauraki Gulf islands

To make sure you are not carrying pests to the Hauraki Gulf Islands, before departure you must:

  • check for pests (ants, rats, skinks and their eggs)
  • remove soil, seeds and plant material
  • check and clean all machinery, bikes, kayaks and dirty diggers
  • clean and dry all fishing gear
  • consider buying goods locally on the islands
  • consider leaving pets at home
  • check your gear after cleaning
  • close all containers.

For items like bulk plants or large earth-moving equipment, email and we will check if you need an inspection.

Before you transport a building

You must get approval from Auckland Council before you transport any building to the Hauraki Gulf islands.

This includes prefabricated or flat-packed buildings and shipping containers used as a building or for storage. We require 10 working days’ notice to book an inspection.

Email us at to book an inspection.

Before you take or transport kauri

You cannot transport untreated kauri plant material to or within the Hauraki Gulf islands unless you are disposing of the material at an approved Auckland Council landfill.

Visit Tiakina Kauri / Kauri Protection for more information.

Before you take or transport rubble, rocks, aggregate and gravel

Transporting rubble, rocks, aggregate and gravel can spread:

  • kauri dieback
  • weeds, like woolly nightshade and moth plant
  • pest ants and plague skinks that commonly lay their eggs in aggregate.

This material must be checked or approved by an inspector or authorised person before you take or transport it to the Hauraki Gulf Islands. The area you are moving the materials from may also need to be checked.

You must not bring rock to the islands from:

  • quarries within kauri catchments
  • very weedy areas.

Any more than a trailer-load of rocks, rubble, aggregate or gravel should be checked before being moved and included in any resource consent applications for roading projects, where applicable.

Email us at if you have questions about:

  • taking or transporting items to the islands
  • what you should look for when you check your items.

Checklist for taking and transporting items to the Hauraki Gulf islands

High-risk items

What you need to do before you take or transport your items.

Any container or aquarium containing:

  • freshwater fish
  • freshwater plants
  • aquatic organisms.
  • Remove all aquarium pond weed.
  • Do not transport pest fish like Koi carp, Gambusia and Rudd.

Beehives and associated pallets and equipment

Inspect the bases or underside of hives for ants and dirt.

Building or landscaping supplies including:

  • materials
  • tools
  • equipment.
  • Clean thoroughly
  • Shake
  • Inspect

Camping equipment, boots and packs

  • Empty and shake-out packs, tents, and sleeping bags.
  • Clean your boots.

Caravans and mobile homes including house buses

Remove all rubbish and dispose of it responsibly.

Coconut fibre

Use something else if possible or use new coconut fibre instead of second-hand.

  • Compost
  • Potting mix
  • Mulch
  • Wood chip
  • Tree bark

Pack in commercially sealed bags.

If you are taking or transporting unsealed bags or several bags, email before departure to check if you need inspection and approval.

Farm machinery

Clean thoroughly to remove:

  • mud
  • plant materials
  • seeds.

We recommend water-blasting machinery before travel.

  • Fyke nets
  • Eeling equipment
  • Game bird and waterfowl hunting equipment
  • Whitebaiting nets and gear              

Soak your items in a detergent solution or saltwater and then dry them.

Hay, straw or stock feed

Only transport if freshly cut and bailed.

Heavy equipment, such as:

  • loaders
  • tractors
  • diggers
  • excavators
  • forestry machinery.

Heavy machinery must be free from:

  • mud
  • plant materials
  • seeds.


  • Source locally, if possible.
  • Check plant roots for pests.
  • Soak in water within 24 hours before departure.

If you are taking large amounts of plants, email to arrange an inspection before departure.


  • Waterblast or hose
  • Tape or cap the ends
  • Soil
  • Rubble
  • Rocks
  • Aggregate
  • Gravel

Email before departure to check if you need inspection and approval.

Check for:

  • ants
  • rats
  • skinks
  • seeds.

Vehicles, including trailers or equipment used for transporting:

  • animals
  • hay and straw
  • stock feed
  • farm machinery
  • plants and soil.

Clean thoroughly, especially under the chassis.

Buildings including prefabricated or flat-packed.

Email at least ten working days before you transport any building including:

  • prefabricated buildings
  • flat-packed buildings
  • a tiny home.

Kauri plant material

Email to check if inspection and approval is needed.

Do not move untreated kauri plant material to or among the Hauraki Gulf islands unless you are disposing of the material at an approved Auckland Council landfill.

Get your kauri on-island if possible.

Guide for transporting high-risk items

Read our guide for advice on how to safely transport high-risk items to and within the Hauraki Gulf.

List of Hauraki Gulf Islands

The Hauraki Gulf contains more than 50 islands.

The most visited islands include:

  • Aotea / Great Barrier Island
  • Goat Island
  • Hauturo / Little Barrier Island
  • Motuihe Island
  • Motutapu Island
  • Rakino Island
  • Rangitoto Island
  • Tiritiri-Matangi Island
  • Waiheke Island.

Visit the Department of Conservation website for a full map of the Hauraki Gulf Islands.

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