Te tuku kai me te waipiro i tētahi wāhi hapori
Providing food and alcohol at a community venue
Serving food at a community venue
You need to pay a fee if you are serving kai at an event held at a community venue.
The special function fee
The special function service fee includes:
- a staff inspection of your booked venue to make sure it's ready
- 24/7 emergency support for the entire duration of your event
- advice and support from staff to ensure you have a successful event.
The special function fee also provides extra security when you serve alcohol with kai.
Our staff will provide:
- an introduction to the venue before your event
- tips on how to be a responsible host
- security staff to keep the facility secure.
For more details about the special function service fee,
contact us.
Serving alcohol at a community venue
Our community venues are not licensed premises.
If you intend to serve alcohol, you will need to make a booking 20 working days before your event.
You should know
Serving or providing alcohol to minors is not permitted at our venues.
Food and non-alcoholic beverages (including free water) must always be provided if you are serving alcohol.
Check our Community venues terms and conditions for serving alcohol.
When you need an alcohol licence
You must
apply for an alcohol special licence if you are:
- selling alcohol at your event
- opening your event to the public.
You have to apply at least 20 working days before your event.
You don't need an alcohol licence for a private gathering at a community venue.
Related topics
Alcohol bans and licensing trusts | | https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/licences-regulations/alcohol-bans-policies | Alcohol bans and licensing trusts | Find out about areas of Auckland where alcohol is banned and alcohol licensing trusts in west Auckland. | | | | aspx | | | | | | | | | Alcohol | |
Outdoor dining licences | | https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/licences-regulations/business-licences/outdoor-dining-licenses | Outdoor dining licences | Find out whether you need an outdoor dining licence and how to apply for or transfer a licence. Use our calculator to work out what a licence will cost. | | | | aspx | | | | | | | | | Food | |
Open a business that sells alcohol | | https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/licences-regulations/business-licences/alcohol-licences-fines/open-business-sells-alcohol | Open a business that sells alcohol | Apply for a an alcohol on-licence, off-licence, club licence or temporary authority. | | | | aspx | | | | | | | | | Alcohol licensing | |
Find a park or beach | | https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/parks-recreation/Pages/find-park-beach.aspx | Find a park or beach | Find a park or beach to enjoy a BBQ, play sports, or take the kids to a playground. | | | | aspx | | | | | | | | | Parks | |
Local Alcohol Policy | | https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/plans-projects-policies-reports-bylaws/our-policies/Pages/draft-local-alcohol-policy.aspx | Local Alcohol Policy | The Local Alcohol Policy outlines the location, number and trading hours for alcohol businesses in different areas. It is presently under appeal. | | | | aspx | | | | | | | | | | |
Venue hire terms and conditions | | https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/parks-recreation/community-venues/Pages/venue-hire-terms-conditions.aspx | Venue hire terms and conditions | These terms and conditions have been developed to make sure your event runs smoothly. | | | | aspx | | | | | | | | | | |
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