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North Shore district plan text

Auckland Council District Plan - Operative North Shore Section 2002 plan text

The District Plan contains our objectives, policies and methods (including rules) for controlling activities and development in the city and is at all times subject to change.

Each section is described below and enables you to link to the chapter you wish to view. There are also copies of other related documents from the Environment Court and our council approving further provisions of our District Plan becoming operative in part.

Section 1: A guide to using the District Plan PDF 46KB
Introduces the contents of the District Plan and information on how to use it

Section 2: District Plan development PDF 154KB
Explains how the plan has been developed and the methods available to achieve its objectives

Section 3: Procedures and general rules PDF 700KB
Includes general information about procedures and rules, when and how to apply for a resource consent, information requirements, the process for considering applications, how the plan’s effectiveness will be measured and the process for plan changes

Section 4: Resources of the City PDF 138KB
Contains background information on the city and a description of the city’s natural resources

Section 5: Issues and goals PDF 95KB
Describes the major resource management issues facing the city and our goals which guide the objectives and policies in the District Plan

Section 6: Managing growth PDF 114KB
Sets out our policies for managing the effects of future growth and development

Section 7: Tangata Whenua values PDF 66KB
Outlines issues and objectives relating to the interests of tangata whenua

Section 8: Natural environment PDF 691KB
Sets out methods for managing our coastal environment, landscape, wildlife areas and trees Section Coastal Esplanade Reserves Guide PDF 1.2MB

Section 9: Subdivision and development PDF 2.5MB
Manages the effects of subdivision and development throughout the city

Section 10: Pollution, hazardous substances and waste management PDF 1.2MB
Deals with issues about managing pollution, hazardous substances and waste generation including noise, outdoor lighting and contaminated sites

Section 11: Cultural heritage PDF 1.3MB
Contains information about cultural resources in our city including buildings, objects and places of heritage or archaeological significance and sets out rules relating to them

Section 12: Transportation PDF 915KB
Sets out methods for managing our roading and transportation network including rules for access and parking Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification 1993

Section 13: Signs PDF 210KB
Manages signs in the city

Section 14: Network utilities and designations PDF 1.4MB
Deals with public works and network utilities and includes a list of designations

Section 15: Business PDF 4.3MB
Contains methods for managing business, commercial and industrial activity Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification 1993

Section 15A: Urban Design Code PDF 1.5MB
Sets out principle-based urban design assessment criteria for developments within certain business zones

Section 16: Residential PDF 3.1KB
Contains methods for managing housing development, residential activities and alterations or additions to buildings on residential land

Section 17: Urban expansion PDF 262KB
Deals with land which is intended to accommodate future urban expansion

Section 17A: Albany and Greenhithe structure plans PDF 1.4MB
Outlines the structure plans for the Albany and Greenhithe areas which determine how development can take place within these parts of the city

Section 17B: Long Bay Structure Plan - Stage 2 PDF 1.2MB
This section contains the objectives, policies and rules relevant to subdivision and development and site works in the Long Bay Structure Plan area

Section 18: Rural PDF 308KB
Contains methods for managing activities and development in rural areas

Section 19: Recreation PDF 482KB
Contains methods for managing recreation activities and development within reserves and other areas of open space in the city

Section 20: Special purpose PDF 2.3MB
Addresses managing those facilities, functions and special activities that need a special zone

Section 21: Definitions PDF 354KB
Sets out the meaning of terms and expressions used in the District Plan

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