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Mahere Urutaunga o te Tapātai o Manukau Harbour South

Manukau Harbour South Shoreline Adaptation Plan (SAP)

The Manukau Harbour South SAP considers the future of council-owned land and assets across the region's coastal areas in response to the impacts of climate change, erosion and flooding.

​About the Manukau Harbour South SAP

The Policy and Planning Committee approved the Manukau Harbour South SAP on 3 August 2023.

This SAP covers the area from Rauau Point at Waipipi / Te Toro in the west, through to Karaka Point at the entrance to Pahurehure Inlet in the east.

Map of areas covered by the Manukau Harbour South SAP

​Stages of the Manukau Harbour South SAP

  • 3 August 2023 - plan approved by the Planning, Environment and Parks Committee.
  • April 2023 - plan endorsed by the Franklin Local Board.
  • October 2022-January 2023 - feedback reviewed, plan drafted and developed.
  • 14 July-14 October 2022 - plan opened for public consultation (community feedback).

Read the full Manukau Harbour South SAP report

​Read the Manukau Harbour South SAP community objectives

​View the Social Pinpoint feedback for the Manukau Harbour South SAP

Social Pinpoint responses for Manukau Harbour South and Āwhitu Shoreline Adaptation Plans.

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