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Pahurehure Inlet Shoreline Adaptation Plan (SAP)

Pahurehure Inlet Shoreline Adaptation Plan (SAP) considers the future of council-owned land and assets across the region's coastal areas in response to the impacts of climate change, erosion and flooding.

​About Pahurehure Inlet SAP

The Policy and Planning Committee approved the Pahurehure Inlet SAP on 10 October 2024.

This SAP area follows about 113km of shoreline within the semi-enclosed inlet between Karaka Point in the south and Te Pua Point in the north. It includes the shoreline of Kōpuahingahinga and Pararēkau Islands and follows the eastern shoreline of Puhinui Creek from Weymouth to the upper inlet in Clendon.

It has a diverse shoreline environment and several estuaries, including catchments in:

  • Hays Stream
  • Hingaia Stream
  • Ngakoroa Stream
  • Whangapouri Creek
  • Whangamaire Stream.

Map of areas covered by Pahurehure Inlet SAP

​Stages of the Pahurehure Inlet SAP

  • 10 October 2024 - plan approved by the Policy and Planning Committee.
  • June to July 2024 - plan endorsed by Manurewa and Papakura local boards and supported in principle by Franklin Local Board.
  • August 2023 to May 2024 - feedback reviewed, plan drafted and developed.
  • 23 June to 7 August 2023 plan opened for public consultation (community feedback).

Pahurehure Inlet Shoreline Adaptation Plan (SAP)- full report

​Pahurehure Inlet SAP community objectives

We developed key community goals based on feedback from our public consultation. These goals identify what matters most to people in the community. They include:

  • safe access to coastal areas and the harbour
  • activities such as walking, dog walking, running and cycling
  • maintaining cultural values of the landscape
  • protecting native plants and birds
  • preserving coastal habitats
  • walkway repairs and maintenance
  • concerns about coastal storm damage.

Read the full community objectives report

​Community feedback on the Pahurehure Inlet shoreline area

Visit Shoreline Adaptation Plans: Pahurehure Inlet for community feedback on the Pahurehure Inlet shoreline area.

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