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​Mahere Urutaunga Tapātai-Iti Wai Manawa / Little Shoal Bay

Wai Manawa / Little Shoal Bay Mini-Shoreline Adaptation Plan (SAP)

The Wai Manawa / Little Shoal Bay mini-SAP aims to plan for the future of the area's council-owned land and assets in response to the impacts of coastal processes, climate change, erosion and flooding.

About the Wai Manawa / Little Shoal Bay mini-SAP

Wai Manawa / Little Shoal Bay is a reserve on the north shore of Waitematā Harbour. The Wai Manawa / Little Shoal Bay Mini-Shoreline Adaptation Plan (SAP) covers the shoreline of Wai Manawa / Little Shoal Bay.

As a ‘mini’ SAP, the Wai Manawa / Little Shoal Bay SAP focuses on a single coastal reserve area within the wider Waitematā Harbour West coastal areas.

Wai Manawa / Little Shoal Bay was chosen for a mini shoreline adaptation plan because of:

  • its value to iwi and local communities
  • its exposure to coastal hazards.

This mini-SAP provides options for managing this part of the coast and reserve in the years to come.

To help us develop a plan for this area, we used:

  • coastal hazard data
  • climate change forecasts
  • values from manu whenua
  • input from infrastructure providers
  • input from the local community.

Map of areas covered by the Wai Manawa / Little Shoal Bay mini-SAP

Stages of the Wai Manawa / Little Shoal Bay mini-SAP

  • September 2022:
    The Environment and Climate Change Committee approved the mini-SAP.
  • August 2022
    Kaipātiki Local Board endorsed the mini-SAP.
  • May – June 2022
    We made final recommendations for the mini-SAP and presented these to the Kaipātiki Local Board.
  • March – April 2022
    We received and reviewed community feedback.
  • 24 January to 16 March 2022:
    Public consultation opened for feedback.

The strategy for this mini-SAP

The high-level strategies for the Wai Manawa / Little Shoal Bay mini-SAP were guided by mana whenua principles and wider community engagement.

Once the Waitematā Harbour West SAP is developed, it will include the high-level strategies recommended by the Wai Manawa / Little Shoal Bay mini-SAP.

These strategies include:

  • performing additional studies to understand the effects of both saltwater and freshwater
  • raising local bunds and upgrading stormwater pipes to reduce car park flooding
  • shifting and raising the cricket pitch to the west to preserve recreational spaces and plantings
  • installing non-return valves on stormwater pipes to reduce flooding from high tides (does not include larger flooding).
  • investigating options to reduce flooding through the beach access ramp
  • investigating the benefit of existing shoreline interventions.

Read the full Wai Manawa / Little Shoal Bay mini-SAP

​Read the 2022 Wai Manawa / Little Shoal Bay mini-SAP public consultation feedback

​View the 2022 Wai Manawa / Little Shoal Bay mini-SAP webinar presentation

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